Hotel Comfort Dauro 2


Frequently Asked Questions Hotel Comfort Dauro 2

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The airport is about 40 minutes by bus and about 20-30 minutes by car depending on traffic.

The taxi fare from both the airport to the hotel and from the hotel to the airport is approximately € 30

The airport bus are € 4 per person

The train station is about 15 minutes by car depending on traffic and about 30 minutes walk, you can also take an urban bus to the Constitution Avenue and then continue a few minutes on foot to the station.

The hotel is located in Navas street, in the center in Granada.

We keep your luggage in your luggage and you can pick it up whenever you want.

Through the web: or by calling 858953616

The Alhambra is about 30 minutes walk.

The price is € 1.40 per person.

You can buy it in the same bus with the driver, except for line 4, the “LAC” (high capacity line) that is bought in the issuing machine, located at the bus stops.

If we have WiFi and in the rooms is free,

The garage price is € 17 per day, VAT INCLUDED

No, It´s situated at Dauro Hotel and it has special characteristics: Garage not suitable for vehicles of higher height to 1.80 MTS or low vehicles, sport type. There is free valet parking in limited hours.

Yes, You Will find public parking in Angel Ganivet less than 5 minutes from the hotel.

The price of public parking is usually around € 25 for 24 hours or even up to € 30 depending on parking.

In our Cafeteria La Chopera (Navas Street) , you can taste typical Granadian dishes, as well as a special selection of meats and wines